This post is dedicated for my 2 new biker friends i made in ITE Central, Tampines.
Chuan Yao - Owner of a Phantom Motorcycle.
Wai Kit - Owner of a Kawasaki Motorcycle.
They will be going study to ITE College East to study as their appeal for Higher Nitec in Business Information Systems was "Successful". This Monday, they will be reporting there instead of coming to Tampines ITE for usual lessons. From what i heard, they will be interviewed by the Course Manager & Section Head to confirm their space there.
They are the friends that i get along quite well since school starts. Although it has been only like 2 weeks, but we talked and laughed regularly. Only if i had spent more time talking or knowing them before they leave. They do not smoke nor speak vulgur languages that colorfully, which i kind of really need such friends in my current class. I'm serious! (:
By The Way, Today I'm suppose to be enlisted to Tekong if i haven deferred my army. I would be going in with my new classmate, Kelvin & Wai Kiat's Brother i think.
Tomorrow's Saturday! It's time to recharged my week! WOOHOO!
Bye All.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Farewell to my 2 new friends, i suppose
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7:09 PM
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My new friends
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
First Lesson of BSS
Today was the first lesson of BSS, (Basic Supervisory Skills for Technical Personnel).
It's some elective module and it gives 3 credits upon completion.
The lesson was held in the computer lab, i suppose that's the first time we step into an air-conditioned room with computers in this campus. We had an interactive game, teacher gave us pieces of paper and like goes around finding people that fits the question.
*Please Note, some answers are not real just for the fun of it*
My paper's questions are:
1 who can sound like a chicken?
__________ (who so bad gonna fill in?)
2 who doesn't like watching sports?
Wen Quan (who claims to be superb poor)
3 who was born in January?
Chuan Yao (One of the Bikers in my class)
4 who has never been abroad?
Ragu (The Famous Indian Guy)
5 whose favourite pop group is the same as yours?
Teo Zhong Liang (One of my classmates)
It's superb funny because people will anyhow fill in the blanks just to complete it. You will hear names repeating because they are quite popular in class. As teacher goes round asking us, i practically laugh like mad.
After lesson, as i was walking out with Wen Quan we asked to see Chuan Yao's bike. He let us sit on the bike and even let us try the "Throttle". He gave me permission to "On" his bike, it's just like a button away!
It's Cool, Alright! It's a real Throttle, and not those arcade game you play and get overwhelmed. You can feel the horse power running through your hands. Hahas Just Kidding, just the Vibration only. (:
typed by
6:44 PM
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My BSS lesson
Monday, April 20, 2009
Finally, saw IGIG <3 (:
This morning, as i was waiting for the bus at interchange. I saw H-E-R. The girl, who i thought of seeing these few years.
The One & Only girl in Red-White Checked, Long-Sleeve Shirt walking pass. She smiled and waved first as i didn't manage to see her from my angle yet. As soon as I confirm it's her and I'm not dreaming, i try to wave at her back hurriedly. Both of us, were surprised to see each other but for me, I'm extremely overjoyed, simple more than words could explain. I hope I didn't gave the face of a "Beng-Look or Beng-Wave" but just simply a "Dumbfounded/Surprise/Overjoyed/Happy" kind of look.
It literally made my day! I can tell you straight in the face, my Monday Blues totally flew away from that moment on. Even now, picturing that scene again never fails to make me smile.
You all may think it's nothing. To me, It meant every single bit of that moment.
Hope there will be a chance again. (:
Bye & Nights!
typed by
9:34 PM
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Sunday, April 19, 2009
Great Food Hunt Extravaganza '09 !
Yesterday, Great Food Hunt Extravaganza @ HarborLight!
Overall, It was a wonderful and fruitful event. Group " V " aka "Bak Chor Mee" managed to get 3rd in place despite of ending last. My group consist of Aveline & Friends, Genevieve, Javan & Myself.
I was totally shocked when i found out one of Aveline's friend Birthday falls exactly same as mine. I was like, Are you very sure? Great to know someone same Birthday as me! (:
I was chosen for the "Mash Potato" challenge, as i was the only guy in the group besides Javan which he is in the Community. I actually don't enjoy eating Mash Potato but i practically forced myself to eat. The process of swallowing it, was awful but for the sake of the team i shall persevere! I tried my best, and managed to get our clues by being the 3rd team to leave.
The Siglap trip was a long walk/run, so kinda talk and try to motivate my teammates abit more.
That would be all.
Tomorrow is 2nd week of school, Officially start of time-table timing.
Pray for easy week ahead. Bye!
typed by
9:28 PM
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I should be glad that actually today's lesson is from 8.00am-12.30pm only and yet i overslept. Today's lesson starts at 8.00am and i woke up at 7.58am, i immediately called Bang Ping and tell him that I'm not going to class today cause maybe he is waiting for me or something. I did set my alarm clock at 6.00am but I'm not sure why i didn't hear the alarm.
It's the first official lesson of a new course and i didn't went. I was at home the whole day and it just felt like holidays again. I've got to get back to school life timing if not i will oversleep every now and then.
Tomorrow's going Macpherson ITE for Talk held by The Director. I will be going on my own, because it's more convenient for me as it's a direct bus trip. Hope can wake up! (:
typed by
10:43 PM
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Day 2: Orientation
It's 2nd Day of School.
Today went to the Auditorium again to listen some talks. After that, we've to go to the classroom cause like teacher want to brief us on other stuff. Teacher asked: If my uniform was correct type, i replied: Yeah, cause i bought it from the shop here. Probably their new design or something.
Bang Ping, Zhi Hao & Myself had lunch at Tampines block 802 Coffee shop, opposite the Police Station. It was a short walking distance as the place was introduced to us by Bang Ping. After lunch, we were suppose to go back for Team-Building Games.
When we arrived to school, the bridge leaders told us we can go home if we want to. He said no point playing if all also very sian or not interested. He marked our attendance and let us leave while the other classes had to play it. Lols, Good news is we are released early and the Bad news is I don't know how our class bonding gonna be like since we didn't play those games to know each other more.
Stuff you might want to take note:
Form Teachers in ITE are called "Class Advisor (CA)"
Bridge Leaders are the people like organise those event for Orientation.
typed by
4:15 PM
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Day 1: Introduction to School?

Anyway, we were dismissed around 3.30pm after settling some general information stuffs. I decided to walk from school to Tampines Interchange due to Adult Fare expenses.
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3:21 PM
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Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sunglasses Moment!
Hmm...Actually I've nothing much to blog about, just want to post some random shots from yesterday's CT practice. The shots looks nice so i decided to post them. These shots were taken quick & secretly cause we didn't have the money to buy sunglasses. LOLS! (:
We secretly borrowed Uncle Michael's sunglasses for fun.

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6:03 PM
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Meet up with Andrew
Andrew & I decided to meet up at College East as he needs to collect his portfolio. My purpose of going there was to try appealing to College East Campus instead of Tampines Campus. He accompanied me to the Administration Office to enquiry how to change school. I was given a form to filled-in and to pass the form to the current school for their approval. I really hope they grant me permission to transfer school.
After collecting his portfolio, we ate at Caferia 1. We eat and chat like for the last time we will be there. I was wondering why not i pass the form today since it's quite near the area. We wanted to take bus to Safra(Tampines) but due to Adult Fare expenses, we decided to walk all the way there. After passing them the form, i was able to leave as they will need the Section Head's Approval. We left the campus, and decided to walk to Tampines MRT Station as Andrew needs to go Bugis and meet his friends.
Oh yah, for those who doesn't know. I managed to rescue my computer but after couple of days, it died out on me. Here we go, spoilt computer again. =\
typed by
3:31 PM
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