We decided to watch "Night At The Museum 2" after church. We were suppose to catch it at 2.15pm slot at Plaza Singapura's Golden Village.
We decided to wait for Jethro & Ray as their meeting ends at 2.15pm. I mean waiting a little longer for 2 more people it's worth the time. By the time we arrived, there were only first rows of seats available for the 3.40pm slot. We asked for the 4.10pm slot instead since it's like 30mins later, anyway we sat on the 3rd row. It's indeed a mini-cinema, as i heard from the staff earlier on.
There were total of 8 of us. consisting of Edison, Edric, Jethro, Joy, Oliver, Ray, Yoges & Myself. We choose 6-seats and 2-seats. Joy & Yoges took the two seats, as for us we took the 6-seats. We had dinner at Long John Silver and went back home.
Ray's blessed because after watching the movie with us, his friend ask him to watch a movie with them too. Cool right? Imagine 2 movies in a day!
Okay. Bye!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Movies with some of the youth
typed by
9:20 PM
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Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hua Jin & I Meet Ms. Goh
We actually wanted to have a mini gathering with Ms. Goh tomorrow. Apparently, Hua Jin & Ms. Goh had mis-communication. Hua Jin suggested to meet Ms. Goh straight after she left school, we waited at Hougang Mall's MacDonald for her. When she arrived, she suggested to eat at Pasta Mania for dinner because it's kinda boring to eat MacDonald's again.
Actually, both of us have already taken our dinner and just want to talk to her. She decided to treat us as it has been a long while since we contacted her. She treated Hua Jin & I a Ham-Mushroom Pizza. We talked about many things, from where are we studying till the income of a teacher.
After dinner, we walked around the mall and she decided to order some herbal tea at the Chinese shop. She ordered for me a bitter herbal tea for relieve heaty stuff in my body and herself some jelly-liked food, i tried and it's equally bitter to my tea.
We went back walking around again, can you picture a person who ran 2.4km in the morning and now walking round the mall in the evening?
P.S. Ms. Goh is my Secondary School Teacher and aka God-Ma, as claim cause we had a same surname.
Anyway, it's a great gathering today. (:
typed by
11:31 PM
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2.4km run
During PE lesson, we had our 2.4km run for Napha Test. We ran only 5 rounds round the field, because teacher claims that the diameter of the field is quite big. I kind of ate alittle more for the run, as i thought i will be superb hungry.
During the run, at roughly 3rd or 4th round. As usual i kept wiping away my perspiration, i realise one of my spectacle hook's went missing! For a split second, i was wondering should i continue my run or stop to find it? I decided to run first and find it after i completed it. Suddenly less then a 200m to the end, i felt like vomiting. I hurriedly stop and began to walk, as i walk nearer i decided to run since Manfred was infront of me.
In the end, i couldn't find my spectacle hook and i didn't vomit (:
After the run, one of my classmate asked 3 of my friends and myself to look for teacher to collect T-Shirt. I was like, complete the run will received free T-Shirt!? then i realise it's for only those person who pass all station for Napha Test will get it. Again, i was like? you mean i pass my 2.4km finally?
To conclude, It's worth the lost of my spectacle hooks. I'm happy to collect the T-Shirt.
Front of the T-Shirt: Logo of Napha Test
Back of the T-Shirt wrote: Certified: Physically Fit
It's like Woah~! Bye (:
typed by
9:45 PM
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hillsong - The Stand
You stood before creation
Eternity within Your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand
You stood before my failure
Carried the Cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand
So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
So I'll walk upon salvation
Your Spirit alive in me
This life to declare Your promise
My soul now to stand
So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
So I’ll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
So I’ll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours
typed by
6:16 PM
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My conviction
Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday - Rockclimbing / No EMT Lesson
Today's lesson starts at 10:20am and ended at 12.00pm. After that, i went back with Manfred on bus 27. I went home to study alittle since it's 4 hours till rock-climbing session.
My friends and i, went bouldering first instead of climbing. Bouldering, itself kinda make hands kinda tired. I did 3 laps of climbing, at the 3rd lap almost completing, my arm kinda give way alittle and i miss my grip hold. Anyway i completed it and did 30 push-ups after resting awhile. Once I've done it, i went back to bouldering corner.
I ate alone at Hougang Mall's MacDonald. As i was peeling the skin of McWings, i realise i didn't have much strength at all! I was like it''s just a skin and I'm having difficulty peeling it, Gosh!
I suppose this the best week ever, no Engineering Mathematics Lesson!
Tomorrow, starts at 10.15am again and end at 12pm! Woohoo!
typed by
9:30 PM
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Dude's Watch!
Oh yah, Check out new videos on my television!
Guranteed, to make u smile! (:
The Ultimate Lame Video ----> ----> ----> ----> ---->
That's All Folks! Bye!
typed by
7:56 PM
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Collecion of Watch & MRT Experience
I went to collect my watch from FJ. Benjamin's (Company). I took MRT from Tampines to City Hall, when i alighted i realise that it's not the correct station. I went up the escalator and went back down to wait for the train again. It was at Somerset Station not City Hall station -.-!
After collecting the watch, i took the train back. As i was in the train, everything was going smoothly until it reaches Little India. Everybody waited for like 20 minutes until they finally announced that the train is unable to move due to some problem at Potong Pasir Station.
I waited and waited, until i decided to leave the train, when i went up the escalator, i saw Adult-Ladies complaining to the MRT Staff regarding on why they notified the passengers so late and made them waited for so long. I tap-out my ez-link, and try to see if there is any bus i can take.
Although Little India Station is North-East Line, I've never alighted at there before, today is the very first time. I walked from different entrances until i decided to went back to MRT and wait better still. I heard the Announcement saying the train will be terminated at Farrer Park Station instead of Punggol Station, i boarded it cause it's a closer station to my destination or i might even have bus to my area.
It literally stopped at every station for like 3-5minutes cause of the other train infront. The train had a pregnant woman on board, and some kind lady ask other people to give way and helped her find a seat. It was at Serangoon Station when something quite funny happened. The train was at the wrong gate, as in it's not align to the station. So it move abit more, then passengers thought can alight already, they waited and suddenly the train moved back cause it overlapped 1 door away. It's made some of the passenger laugh or smile cause like vehicle park wrongly.
Anyway, the whole journey from like 20minutes to home became an hour. I came out craving for McFlurry Oreo with extra Oreo toppings. As I'm blogging, I'm sure those bloggers in the train will be blogging about it too!
I shall upload my watch photos in the next post to revive the shininess within it (:
typed by
6:26 PM
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Saturday, May 16, 2009
The baby Lizard
Yesterday night, i had a conference call with Chuan Yao, Kit, Lala & Nurul. We talked at around 12.30pm to like 1.30am on the phone and i finally decided to turn in for the night as it was late.
This afternoon, as i was bathing i saw a baby lizard on the floor. It's kinda poor thing, cause it's still young and might drown to death. I tried to make him run away, but seems it's been traumatized of the water till it's movement so little. I brought him out after my bathe and showed to my dad before letting him off into the nature of the kitchen. It's kinda cool to have a lizard on your hand, it's like some cute pet.
typed by
10:48 PM
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Friday, May 15, 2009
Class Test 2: Indices
Yep! Don't need think further, It's less than a week and I'm having class test again.
Today's test was on Indices, Five question with a sum of 50 marks.
I hope i did better than my previous test because i did put more time in studying in, though i screwed up one or two question.
After lesson, i had to stay back for project group. It's a great experience for me because i literally seen a test board able to be programmed through computer software. It's like super cool man. Sadly, teacher only need 3 students and there are 7 of us in all.
I prefer "hardware programming" over "software programming" I hope i can be able to get in, if not might wanna consider learning from outside or something.
Oh Yah! This morning, I saw Melissa(Cherylyn's Primary School Friend) at Tampines Interchange. I was in the upper deck of the bus 72, when i saw this girl who looked like her. I not sure if it's her, so i decided to walk past and test, test. Cause, if she react upon seeing me means it's the Melissa i know. if not, just walk past like nobody business. LOLS! Smart Right!
P.S Daryl & Oliver for not informing you guys. Ahem *Raining*
(Too bad, we don't have telepathy if not don't need reply sms) =X
Okay That's All Folks!
typed by
9:50 PM
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Monday, May 11, 2009
Class Test 1
Class Test 1: Algebra
The test consist of 5 questions only.
1) Solve via Factorize - 5 marks (DONE)
2) Solve via Square Method - 10 marks (DONE)
3) Simultaneous Equation - 20 marks (can't figure it out) =\
4) Solve Via Formulae Method - 5 marks (DONE)
5) Partial Fraction - 10 marks (DONE)
Initially, i had confident in all questions except Simultaneous question. This is because i kinda didn't study for 3 equations instead of the normal 2 equations. I tried Edison's method but it didnt work for me or probably i don't know how to do. In any case, with my rate of studying able to answer them, i'm happy. Glory to God! he knows my needs! (:
Today, Teacher started on a new chaper, Logarithm. Gosh, Maths here and there.
3 Chapters covered so far, 4 more to go!
typed by
10:19 PM
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Thursday, May 7, 2009
Late for Class Consecutively 2 days in a row
Today is my 2 Consecutive times late for lesson. I was late for PE lesson as i woke up at 7.30am instead of 6.30am. I've set my alarm clock! But I've no idea why it didn't ring or i didn't hear it.
I reached school at around 8.45, to think i was 15 minutes late only but apparently lesson starts at 8.00am. I got kinda scolding from PE teacher cause like 45minutes late.
I kinda exercise my chest muscle 2 days ago, so it's kinda aching. I thought 1 day would be enough for it to rest but i was wrong. Today's suppose to be 2.4km run from what i heard.
I want to thank the Lord, cause he answered my needs. It's like crazy to run with chest ache for 2.4km long run.
My classmates were taking turns doing their shuttle-run. As soon as i changed, with my uniform in my hands, i was told it's my turn to run! I was like, can't you wait for me fold my uniform before running? I quickly ran to my bag and drop my uniform and run back. The run was successful because everything went smoothly, as in didn't slided or slipped. Some of my classmates kept slip here and there, making me worry.
I'm happy to clock in 9.22 sec for my shuttle-run. I'm not sure if i had improve or roughly the same as ever.
End of PE Lesson, Teacher called those latecomers out and kinda apologise to each and individual person in class. It's suppose to be a lesson learnt at the same time kinda funny.
typed by
10:35 PM
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