These few days dont feel like blog cause do not know how to write about it and keep on trying Grahpic card in Accelerated Graphic Port(AGP). lols Finally read my primary school friend's blog and it slowly inspires my mood again i guess. hahas thanks!
First time attempt of reformatting my own computer thought it would be a smooth format, when everthing turned out bad. i followed the lab book and stuff accordingly.
This gonna be naggy so here goes.
Deleted all the partition and then repartition it, from a 10GB of C:/ to 90GB. (!~WAH~!)
I was suppose to insert the CD for Windows installation,
and i inserted other XP disc (looks very alike)
I decided to phone Andrew & followed by Mr. Desmond.
When my bro reacheed home, he told me cause i put wrong CD =.=!!
That totally explains why the CD cant boot up from Boot Menu at all.
Just as i thought bigger size of C:/ lagness wont be a problem. I was totally wrong, it was as lag as my previous system. Why? i also do not know either.
Lols i went to seek the web around for answers. Registering for forums and post help to solve my problem, just hope can get over with it soon.
Where i got the GCs.
1) Bro's friend gave. (required AGP 3.0, mine only 2.0)
2) Took from older CPU. (Unable to turn on when plugged)
3) All these while in CPU. (Unable to turn on when plugged)
Now the AGP port or the Graphic Card makes me fustrated. I do not know is it Graphic Card spoilt or AGP problem/error, i turned off the computer, plug out the power supply switch and change the GC. When i connect the monitor cable to the AGP, it simply wont turn on the monitor.
Lols just as i thought i can be a happy gamer for this EOY holiday. Now simply waiting for Christmas and just chat with friends. Talking about Christmas its just like 2 days away, and i still dont feel like its in the month of December now.
Anyway an advance wishes to all. =)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Few days after i reformatted~!
typed by
11:26 PM
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Woah! I finally gonna REFORMAT the computer !
typed by
9:24 PM
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Wee Exams are over~! Holidays are here~!
I asked Mei Zhen if they were going out or something...she said "no" for that point of time. So i decided to make a trip to the pool room. I saw Roger playing with Jian Yi and friends, after they left i played with him till 3.00pm. Accompanied him to eat and went back via Bus of Bedok's direction.
typed by
6:34 PM
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Sunday, December 2, 2007
Muonline~! My favourite game.
Here are some other fantastic hero's " Set "
Class: Blade Knight (BK)
Class: Dark Lord (DL)
That sums up what i wanna share...nights folks!
typed by
10:05 PM
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Saturday, December 1, 2007
I have finally done it...Putting a song in my blog! ROAR!
Lols....ROAR~!!! I am so happy finally my blog got song...making it come to life! hahas..
Enjoy Peeps!
typed by
3:41 PM
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Yesterday in school, during IT Essential class
Eng Yi was bored with the revision...then he ask me " Eh about i draw a small tatoo on ur hand ? ". I was bored with listening to the revision too, so said okok la...since it would harm/disturb me much.
He drew some kind of design or so...then he said " later go play pool remember go wash, if not people think your some kind of gangster! "
Guess the end i totally forget to wash it until i reached home at night.
Hmmm....i took couple of shots from my phone and it looks like that:
Lols...and this random picture was taken in the bus at a junction of a BMW car.
The car model + wheels looked nice so i snap a shot but...a blur one.
(Silver one)
Thats about all.
typed by
12:03 PM
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My Fake Tatoo
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
2 Days of "Self - Study" ~ !
Today the 2nd day of " Self - Study " and i have yet start revising my work. Guess that tomorrow i gonna had hell of stuff to absorb & study in class. its already 12.27pm and i haven eat my breakfast/lunch. Dang gotta eat after i post, Stomach growling loudly!
Monday's class test was quite easy but heard from Andrew, most of the question are came from Module 8-14 instead of 1-14!!!!!
MFD Phase Test 2, i did very badly cause i simply concentrate only on the text instead of design. MFD is totally designing your poster, newsletter, brochure and etc to score well.
As for me, i totally cant design much at all...i am more of technical person. Lols i meant technical person as in fixing junks to form some toy thingy. Think that would be my favourite hobby when i am not listening in class. LOLS~! no more spare parts of stationary..if not there would be more to come...
There you go for a glimpse of it!!!

I come up with the names within seconds lols..Interesting!
Cool i am advertising my own Mini Inventions!
Ezra's Mocca.blogspot? LMAO~!
See ya & Ta-ta Folks~!
typed by
12:20 PM
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Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday & Saturday of the same week too! Lols
Yesterday PE lesson played basketball with Wei Xing & 2nd year people. It was a 2 vs 2 game, we played until we lost count of points. To me Xing is like my best basketball teammate sia, He just simply love to pass me the ball to shoot. So its like 70% i am taking the shots and he taking the rebounds, that's like what i totally want to have as a teammate.
After school i went for my CCA. I decided to play the challenger table while waiting for the booking tables. I took my $1 coin and played for roughly 4-6 games, at the 3rd or 4th game i played with a Malay player and i was shooting like no body's business. He said in Malay to his friends, it roughly means " look at the boy the Philippines pool player LOLS ". That's like my first compliment. Cause i was like staring at the balls fiercely as i aim, like as if some professional player.
Than here comes 2 student with a Pool Coach/Teacher from other ITE, might be Bedok ITE. One of his student played with me, it was a close match i would say but overall he played better den i do. Lost to him 3 balls cause i was "concentrating too much on what if i lose" and miss that shot which made him clear and win. His another friend was a arrogant boy, expression of his face like as if he mastered the art of pool. In my opinion i think he is much more lousy than his friend i played with. After beaten by onee of my pool friend they left.
Lauch of my Church's Youth Name: LIVEWIRE
there were alot of youth at the event. First up! we had Games! followed by Worship and lastly the funniest drama! The drama simply made everyone laugh.
My bro and I invited our cousins to witness the launch of it. I had to pick them up 1 by 1 hahas, and its like my first time taking cab to point to point. Luckily things didnt went out that bad although it was delayed for waiting. From Church --> Hougang --> Rivervale --> Hougang --> Church the fare was $20.70. lols that's like alot wow!
Tomorrow after church, i going out with my friends to Cine and catch a movie...then go play pool! WOAH~!
typed by
10:40 PM
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Normal Wedesday of the same week!
Today was an afternoon lesson, i came out of house late and rush for my lunch at my nearest coffeeshop. After my lunch, i thought i had enough time to miss 3 buses if i want to. It turns out that i dont even have enough time for even 1 bus lols, waited at the bus stop until the bus came at around 11.43am.
The bus 87, seats were mostly taken on the upper deck. I headed all the way back to the corner for the seat. Not long reached opposite Hua Jin's house bus-stop before it reached i thought would i be that " zhun " to see him at the bus stop, nah cant be. When it reached i was shocked i saw a Red polo T-Shirt boy and indeed is him. He came up and to the upper deck too, he sat infront and i decided to sms him to let him know i am on the same bus as him! Soon he read it and came to sit by my side. He asked me why am i as late as him, i told him i thought lesson starts at 12.30pm? He said No la, its 12.00pm. This is the time then i know i am late for class. Reached school at 12.45pm, 45mins late ah!
Accompanied him to have lunch as soon as we reached class. i agreed to it cause there wasn't much to do as the proejct was almost done, he ate his lunch and we went back up. My other friends went to eat later and came back, teacher asked them where you all go? Xing replied toliet spoilt LMAO! just as i thought teacher asked us, but didnt instead my other friends lols.
Last lesson of the day ended, Hua Jin asked me to accompany him to buy file from Popular a Tampines Mall. We went there to buy and took bus no. 72 back, man just as i thought the going back journey would the same as usual. Guess what! as the bus wanted to turn around, the bus gets to break down due to one of the doors were unable to close. The driver tried to retry 3-4 times but it didnt work and a later double decker bus took over us. Since it was unable to get it moving, he gave us the free trip ticket BUT gotta walked back to the bus interchange waiting area AGAIN. ROAR!!
When we walked back, another double deck arrive but fulled. So gotta wait for the next bus, soon came a single deck bus. Luckily we talked on the way back if not its gonna be long and boring. And we decided to go eat the $2 chicken which is located in between Hougang Plaza and Hougang Mall, after that he went to buy bubble tea. We were on the way back when he remembered about his file. We ran back to the stall there and luckily its still around.
That sums up the whole day activites =D
Gosh! Tomorrow still got MFD test. I have yet start to study it at all and worst of all i dont have the books only pictures taken from my phone lols. See ya!
typed by
7:58 PM
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Monday, November 12, 2007
Normal Monday ~
Hello peeps!
Morning activites like got nothing to blog about hahas. Actually i dont have much things to blog just wanna get my post going for a newbie like me xD.
During Lunch break...The CS-gang wanted to go Bedok's lan the Crossfire. It was raining and there is 6 of us...if take taxi gotta split 3 by 3...Chye Wei decided to stay in school to have lunch with my other classmates, so i followed too cause lazy to pay money for taxi and stuff rather to play pool in school...hahas.
Ate vegetable rice @ CAFE 2...after that i went down to play pool alone, than i met and chat with some of my so called "pool-friends". Played coupled of games won a few before i lost lols..
Lao..Hamizan i tell u my blog...u went to show Poh Chong and others! means now some people know my blog....dang!
How i know? I was shocked when Poh Chong keep on talk about parts of my blog...lmao.. the evening Andy, Hua Jin & I met up with my secondary cliques at my place there had dinner with them but end up Hua Jin & I eating only. After dinner Bennett came down and his turn to have his dinner, soon we went to the playground opposite the coffee shop.
Hang out there around for quite awhile, than saw some Ah Lians downstairs the block after they tried to sell ice-cream. When we left that time, the Ah Lians also left the same time....They were practically making fun of themselves..such as pushing their friend on top of the ice-cream trolly & making noises! Guess what they came to my side of blocks and sell ice-cream, even came to my house door-step to sell and a simple rejection to get rid of them! =D
WAH! i wrote so much already...okok gotta watch HEROS. Opps look at the time already halfway shown...Bye & Nights!
typed by
9:37 PM
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Results of WPC Finals~! ROAR!!!
And now..everybody is waiting for :
Thats means... DARYL PEACH WON!
Awww Sadly! I wanted and supported Gomez to win the trophy, too bad Gomez miss the 9 ball on rack 31, which made Peach lead by 1 final rack.
A slice shot of like 100-130 degree only but its the pressure that makes it hard to concentrate.
But overall he deserve it...look at the other point of angle.
- Won Ronnie Alcano!
- Won Franciso Bustamante!
- Finally won Roberto Gomez!
- The pressure of CRAZIEST Philippines fans!!!
Thats about all..hahas..see ya!
typed by
5:38 PM
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Can't wait to see World Pool Championship Final~!
I ate Prawn Fried Rice at a coffee shop just abit near my church, it was delicious and cost only S$4. My friends and i ate quite fast as they have some classes to for me i left for home. Guess what it was around 2.25 when i left there so +1 hour woud be 3.25, which means late for the match already!!!

Daryl Peach (ENG) vs. Roberto Gomez (PHI)
I will post the results as soon as i know who wins...hahas..later man!
typed by
4:46 PM
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My WPC Finals
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I have come to a Decision
I finally decided to create my own blog...ROAR!!!
It shall be blog + pool stuff i think...wahaha..
typed by
10:05 PM
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