
LOLS! That's All Folks.
LOLS! That's All Folks.
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10:19 PM
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It was Analogue Principles Application (APA) Common Test!
The test consist of Chapter 1 - 8, first common test and it covered so many chapters already.
Overall, the test was alright for me. There was this question, where it state to interpret the Resistor Color Code. I've to put the acronym B, B, R, O, Y, G, B, V, G, W into action.
After test, I went to Botak Jones(Tampines) with my classmates, which is also Zhi Xiang's workplace. I ordered Fish & Chips with Spicy Fries & Cheese Potato as my side-dishes. This is the 2nd time i ate at Botak Jones. The first time, was at Derek's 21st Birthday Celebration and I couldn't finish the plate of Fish & Chips.
(This is how clean my plate looks like when i ate finished)
(Zhong Liang's Order, ULTIMATE!)
Don't be deceived by the look of his face, he isn't shock with his order. It's just that he is shy of taking photo with his food. His Order was total "OWNAGE".
Staff: So how do you find your food ?
Zhong Liang: Erm....Actually the beef isn't that nice because it's kind of dry, but the side-dishes *thumbs ups*
Staff: Dry ah?
He went back and took a saucer and scoop his leftover beef.
Staff: I will go and experiment on it.
They really take the comment of customers seriously, which is a good point in F&B Business.
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7:54 PM
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In the morning when i crossed the road, I stood at the center diversion platform. I saw a pool of dried blood and broken number plates of a car. I was like, Oh man! Somebody had an accident and loss that much of blood. This reminds me to cross the road carefully and be alert!
I reached school at 7.45am and teacher told me that PE lesson starts at 8.30am. -.-!
We actually planned to play basketball during PE lesson but apparently Zhi Xiang was late so teacher kind of told us to play floorball.
I was just playing floorball by myself to practice and soon my friends came. I think we played 2 games in all. There was this goal, that was totally UNSTOPPABLE. My friend was shooting and the opponent came neck to neck to his stick, so the ball flew up. Guess What? Bang Ping was like, where's the ball!? Then the ball dropped directly infront of him and went in. We were rejoicing over that UNSTOPPABLE goal. It's like who can react in time?
My teammates got fouled like 5 times for over-waist stick. I've a foul once because i wanted to catch the ball in mid-air and i forget about it.
First game, my team won.
Second game, we lost.
After the game, most of them were resting. I decided to play by myself until Zhi Xiang joined in. We played like 1 vs 1. It's like once you miss your shot, you've to run back to defence. It's very fun & interesting, our skills were like on par. As in, playing as a good game.
I'm beginning to like floorball as a sports. (:
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5:31 PM
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It's Monday and it's not any ordinary Monday(s). There are many events going on today.
1) Birthday Peeps! Okay!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day. (:
2) Submission of APA Homework
3) Class Test 4: Complex Numbers(Open-Book Test)
4) Rock-Climbing / Movies @ Tampines Mall.
So I went to watch movies instead of going Rock-Climbing.
There were a total of 10 of us went to watch a horror movie, The Haunting in Connecticut.
Wai Kiat
Shao Rong
En Quan
Bang Ping
After the movie, we realised Mr. En Quan is easily frightened. I was told that he un-button his first button to cover his face and kept shaking the seat infront of him, which is Theresa's seat.
Kevin said that he kept grabbing his hands during the horror part, which gave him an additional 3D Effect(Real-Life Movement).
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9:13 PM
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Hellos (:
I'm still having the same timetable as my semester hasn't end, it's like just the beginning of it.
So, Wednesday's first lesson starts at 8.00am and woke up at 7.38am. I actually set my alarm clock to 6.00am. I told myself to rest alittle longer but guess what? I O-V-E-R-S-L-E-P-T
It's like I am almost late for every practical lessons on Wednesday. As a result, I didn't understand and know how to do the lab works.
I hurriedly run out of my room and went to bath. When I left the house, it was already 7.57am. I took a quick breeze walk to the bus-stop. While I was crossing the road, I saw bus service no. 72. I literally cranked up my legs and ran like mad to the bus-stop. I managed to board the bus and I was panting for the first 10 minutes in the bus.
Thank the Lord, for the bus timing. Just imagine, missing that bus would made me more late.
Eventually, I reached the school at around 8.40am and along the way I saw Bang Ping at the junction, we entered the school compound together and went to class normally. Today, i had the opportunity to let some of my friends know my religion, Christianity.
During breaktime, my friends decided to watch Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen.
At that point of time, i was telling myself for the sake of the record "ever watch Movie x3", i didn't mind skipping lesson. I soon came back to my senses and rejected them and waited for classroom to be opened.
After school, I had dinner with En Quan & Wai Kiat at Hougang Plaza famous Western Food store. I ordered Chicken-Chop and it's was quite a big plate which cost only S$5.00 .
I'm still pondering whether to go Bennett's place for his farewell to army. It's gonna be late at 10pm at his place and there's school tomorrow.
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7:17 PM
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Alright, so most of you are having you Youth Day. Enjoy while you can!
As for me, it's the start of school after the holidays. Waking up at 8.00am to get ready for school. It was raining in the afternoon. Although lesson has ended, it was still drizzling. My friends and i, walked in the rain to the bus-stop to take bus back home.
I wanted to go have a hair cut but it's not really that convenient, probably tomorrow.
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8:11 PM
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Rest-In-Peace, MJ, Your Music Shall Live On!
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1:56 PM
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I'm bored, and I've yet to complete my TAWG. I seriously can't get my butt to sit still for like 2 hours. Probably I'm so far apart that I'm lazy to catch up. I seriously don't know.
It has been awhile since i went swimming, my dad told me not to go because of my sun-burn hasn't literally rejuvenate back to normal skin.
Oh yeah, I realise my Television plays the song, "We Stand - Hillsongs" instead of "The Stand - Hillsongs". I was wondering how come this version so different, no wonder it's another song. Nevertheless, it's still a great song that inspires my mood.
Today, I kept having these thoughts of not studying. Come to think about it, I've to take a longer journey to be on pile with my age group peeps.
Qualifications is IMPORTANT in society, so I've to cling on my studies!
God will open "this" doors in my life, one day.
There are uncountable numbers of doors people needs, but for me at this moment is "76598324642"(break the code with a handphone)
In the evening, there will be Prayer Meeting as it's 1st week of the month. I desire to be ministered through Worship and Testimonies.
That's All.
Bye (:
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3:07 PM
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