I woke up at 10.35 by the alarm, tempted to switch on the computer but i didn't. I reached at the bus-stop 30mins earlier than the meeting time, which is the stop after Bowen Secondary School's back gate.
Desmond, Hua Jin and myself went to Funan Mall to looked for Challenger™'s Main office to apply for part-time job as a sales promoter or something. Filled in the form and waited for our turn to be interviewed. The HR told us he will call us.
Hua Jin said he has a Good point as he knows how to fix computer and handling customer.
We went to Boon Keng area to get my bro's new laptop Microsoft Office thingy. We kind of gotta walked under the sun as we headed there. After collecting it, we went to AMK Hub's Arcade to play Basketball and Daytona. Hua Jin, funny ah!? Cleo around i win that thing? LOLS~!
We took bus no. 25 from AMK(Ang Mo Kio) bus interchange. Hua Jin suggested to sit individually as to see who would be the lucky one to sit with girls. Desmond soon whispered me and said: if i saw Indian people coming to upper deck, he would sit beside me. 1st attempt they came up and none sat with him but the 2nd attempt an Indian man came up and wondering where to sit, and eventually sat beside him. I started to laugh but soon controlled as he(Indian Man) getting suspicious of it. He was saying cannot be so zhun one la, and it really did happen hahas!
Bye guys!
Gotta go Cabaling~!
Monday, March 24, 2008
1st Day of School Holiday~!
typed by
7:22 PM
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Yesterday was Easter Day~!
Yesterday was Easter Sunday~!
For those who do not know the true meaning behind it, it was the day that Jesus died(21th March, Good Friday) and resurrected(23th March, Yesterday) from the tomb about 2000 years ago. The Easter egg story or thingy is just some other thing. That's why it calls for a celebration~!
Lols i wore the White Gionado polo T-shirt to church. Here is the part which made me feel happy or should i say very content, cannot express to much later you thought i...
You were wearing a white blouse, i not sure is it called a blouse or. This was so totally lucky cause...
Good Friday, i asked Shi Lin & Bernard if they were interested to come my church.
Anyway, i WANTED to wear my cardigan (which is designed in stripes) to church cause it was a 7+ pm service so it won't looked weird, Oliver told me we were suppose to go for pre-service prayer at 3-4+ pm and by the time i read his message it was already 6+ pm, going early now doesn't make a difference so i went as the normal time. I felt guilty so i didnt wore it, never have i known you were gonna wear a stripe clothes!!!! Haiz..what a timing. Whatever it is, i would like to thank God for kinda make history repeat again lols.
typed by
6:57 PM
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Friday, March 14, 2008
YESTERDAY Late for DMT Class test ~!
I went to school and forget to bring my tumbdrive as i am having presentation later.
I thought all i have to do is just go back home later and take it.
Than its settled already so easy, how worst can it be?
After DMT Lab lesson, i headed home with only my DMT Theory book in my file so i can study for my test during the bus journeys. I didn't brought my bag home cause i was lazy, need to bring the same stuff back to school later.
I reached home at 11.23am, i realised i didn't brought my KEY back. I called Hua Jin and asked him could he come down to pass me the key?
He said: Okay, and he brought Andy along with him. It was starting to rain heavily, waited for them for 1 hour cause they were taking bus. I had to call Mr. Joel to let him know we will be late for the test, he said at most he can delay 5mins. He told me its my carelessness that i didn't bring my tumbdrive and now i still burden to HJ & Andy. Hua Jin went home to do something since its along the journey, Andy soon alighted at the bus-stop.
I need to get an umbrella in order to retrieve the key from him. I went to my 3 of my neighbours tried to ask him to borrow an umbrella, 2 of them were not around and 1 of them i not sure which unit LOLS. I went back down running towards the cleaner who sweeps my area hoping she was around. Indeed she was, but taking an afternoon nap.
I had no choice as time is freaking running out. I slowly tab & call her and she didn't wake up. I tried again but harder ABIT if not there is no difference from 1st attempt, she woke up and asked me what happen? lols i said i need to borrow her umbrella for awhile, she instantly lent me her umbrella. I tried to ran ASAP, but scared i run till the umbrella might be spoilt so i run and stop few times. There are pools of obstacles here and there, thought by running and jumping over can escape it. Run across the road and took the key from Andy and ran back home.
Opened the gate & door rushing to get that magical "thumbdrive" and umbrella and leave immediately. Headed back to the bus stop to take taxi with Andy and picking up Hua Jin on the way. We reached school 1.16pm, 16mins late for exam. The lecture room was packed already, Hua Jin & Andy sat by the sides of the back corner.
Teacher told me to sit right in the front, facing towards 2 classes of my classmates. By right i should be shy, but today so many things have happen already nothing to be shy already Zzz. In the end, i didn't have enough time to completed the MCQs not to mention the Short Question Answer. So i think i will flunk this paper which is 10% of the module. Haiz!
typed by
11:01 AM
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Mr. Poh Chong made me angry!
Today was actually a normal Wednesday besides going home early during ETP Lab.
Mr. Poh Chong made me fed up after i told him nicely not to close my Internet Explorer: Youtube™, cause i just finished streaming the video. Moreover it wasn't the first time just before this, he closed my Viwawa game page straight after i lose. He practically did that again just after i said finished, tell me who will not angry? Zzzz...So at the moment of Anger, i kicked his "computer chair" hard and he fell on the floor.
Mrs. Veronica saw and called me out and talk outside the room, she wanted me to apologise to him. She soon called poh chong out too, i not sure whats the real reason why poh chong is smiling even though She was like kinda counsel/talk to him.
Teacher keep on ask him Poh Chong, are you okay? He claimed Yes...when we entered the room She asked me again..Poh Chong got drop his loosen screw a not? lols i said nah..just maybe he take it lightly thats all.
When i went back to my seat...my friend compliment me said: WAH SEH sia! Pro BKB/Avatar!
i was wonder what in the world is that, they told me is one of the Dota's Hero skill to evolved to bigger and stronger mode. Anyway in the end he apologies and so did i, than become friends back. LOLS~!
typed by
6:28 PM
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Monday, March 10, 2008
Hair cut by a pretty lady ~!
Hua Jin introduced me to a saloon he cut his hair as it was cheap, $4.80. The lady who cut my hair was pretty, not sure its a worker or a boss herself. Actually everything was going well as in the cutting the appropriate hair i wanted, as soon as i opened my mouth to tell her : Er...Sides don't want to touch my ear. She began to shaved my sideburns! LOLS..there we go again.
Hua Jin there trying to control his laugh. Anyway she said: cut away good mah...if not really look like one gangster. Eventually i didn't cut my layers, now it looks long and to me like gangster.
Under my block, i was walking towards the lift, i saw the pretty girl who live on the 12th floor. I was like crap, of all time when i had a new hair cut. I walked abit faster so i reached the lift first, pressing the "Door Open" button while there was a cat. She was stucked when she saw the cat near the lift. I hold and waited for her, phew luckily she managed to came in.
In my heart, i said: Need me hold your hand bring you in? So that u can jump away from cat? LOLS wishful thinking of me. I saw her many times but didnt dare to start the conversation. Finally thanks to the cat, i somehow talked.
I asked: 12th floor right?(obviously) She replied: Yes.
When we are in the lift, i asked her if she is afriad/scared of cat? She said: yah...i would rather walk up 12 story than to take the lift with a cat. That was funny so i laughed.
The lift reach my floor first, to my surprise when i about to leave she said: bye. I was shocked and replied abit slower. From far and back view she would resemble like Chrispoo and she what she worn even look like. I not sure its i kinda like her now or she reminds me of Chris. Now each time, i takes the lift hoping for a 12th floor to come down or up to get a chance to speak to her again. LOLS.
typed by
10:57 PM
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