Friday, March 27, 2009

Happier Boy, Alright!


27th March '09, 2nd-take of BTT. I'm so happy cause i passed it, like FINALLY i did it! It's like sitting in the same exact classroom with exact test but just different seats thats all. Okay, I know, It's just a basic test but better than nothing right! As i was walking out, i was like a crazy boy smiling to myself. I even tried to control but just practically smile my way out of the centre.

While waiting for the bus, i saw Wen Han at the bus stop. I was shocked cause like why would a pool fanatic be interested in learning driving. We talked for awhile since his bus wasn't here yet. He said today was his first practical driving lesson and kept "Jam-Brake". I think it refers to stepping on Clutch and release to change gear or something.

It's great to see someone from College East with same CCA once again, surprising he is also waiting for Higher Nitec in Electronics too. I really hope he would be able to join me at Tampines ITE instead of Simei's cause i will be happier to know someone same course as me.

We were like given nicknames like Bro's because we both played pool. Talking about pool, i'm going to miss the school's pool tables, friends and even the tournament. Only if i can go back there to study and play pool daily and taking up pool as CCA.

So anyway, I treat myself by packet back home Macdonald's from Hougang Mall.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Confusion with Army or Higher Nitec

Today went out and played pool with Swee Yang. We played a total of 18 racks, 17 racks of 8-Ball & 1 rack of 9-Ball. It was a close fight but eventually i won. Hua Jin later called and ask if i would like to meet Desmond & Him for dinner. Hua Jin & I met up first as Desmond was busy, we walked around Hougang Mall & decided to eat Gelare's Waffle Ice-cream. I went to draw money from the ATM since it's like my first time really eating such heavenly delights food.

Anyway he asked: Why would i want to take Higher Nitec instead of Army? He said: I should finished Army and then go back to Higher Nitec then go Polytechnic.

This is because the scenario is like this:

If I'm taking Higher Nitec Course(2 yrs), once i graduated i must enlisted into Army before going for Polytechnic.

So Why not?

Go Army now, come out study Higher Nitec(2 yrs) and straight to Polytechnic?

So this thought began to pop up tons of question in my mind. I went online at my msn and seek advices from people around my age group or older i suppose. Basically there are both Pros & Cons of it, so there are quite alot of thinking to do. I know I'm suppose to seek the Lord after all, I'm going to do that afterwards! Amen!

I've gotta get an answer by end of the month, if i want to get into Higher Nitec as i need to pay my school fees.

So see ya another time for the final decision i suppose. (:

Monday, March 23, 2009

I went to ITE Tampines

Today, Monday!

I had my lunch and watched MythBusters S2 before going to Tampines ITE. Okay, there was a part where Jamie(from MythBusters) made this RC Remote, Nike Shoe move. My Bro asked: That's what you want to do right? I replied: Yeah! I thought to myself, Cool Right!? But how am i suppose to earn a living with those? Keep making them? Coming out Television Series like them?

I went down by myself to make amendments to my choice of Course & School. I wanted to change my course from "Mechatronics Engineering" to "Electronics Engineering" & "ITE Tampines" to "ITE Simei". I finally managed to change my course but not for the school, as Simei's slot are all taken up. What can i say? Only to blame myself for not applying the 1st Batch of it. So i should be studying in ITE Tampines taking "Electronic Engineering" for another 2 years.

Say Bye Bye to Army for now, and back to Schooling!

I know, i should be glad that I'm able to get into Higher Nitec. But i just keep having tons of thoughts comparison between me & Polytechnic students, I'm so far apart from them. On the brighter note, it's my chance of making new friends and impacting their Life. Partially, for me to grow Spiritually, Mentally & Emotionally. I really pray to excel this 2 years and finish it well.

Well, 2 years seems to be fast when it's over. But when it just start, quite a journey ahead.

- A new Environment -
- A new group of Friends -
- A new group of Teachers -

That's About All, Folks!
See ya & Bye!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Went to Hougang Stadium on Sunday~!

Desmond called me today to ask if i would like to join him to run with him at the stadium and i agreed to go cause like army round the corner. We met up around 4.30pm at Interchange and walked to the stadium. We bought an Ice-Cream before entering the stadium, we left our bags in the locker as it's easily stolen by outsiders. There was quite alot people running round the stadium though.

We ran 6 rounds round the stadium for our 2.4km. We started together and he finished it earlier than me. I keep telling myself, just close up the gap behind him no matter what. So i finished like 10 sec after him, surprising i clocked in 12.43 min. Okay! It may seems nothing to you, but I'm quite surprise and pleased with it after not running consistently for months.

After our run we rest and did pull ups by the exercise place. Soon we decided to run 2 rounds of casual jogging. At the end of it, we decided to challenge 100m sprint. Before that, he told me there are some people in the far front, i told him never mind about them.

We took our lanes and get in position, I counted down and ran. We ran about half of the race, i saw something White. When i tried to react, i bump hard into a girl jogging. I was like Oh Man! I bumped into a girl for nothing, i kept apologising and like just said: erm need see doctor a not? She replied never mind in the first place, but i kept asking until she didn't listen or was pissed off. I was feeling so guilty, knocking into someone innocent when she jogging.

Anyway Desmond rest again, and ran his 2.4km while i decided to rest and ponder on my guilt. After his running, we had dinner at Long John Silver at Hougang Mall and went home. Dang, LJS is so gonna increase my pimples, gotta eat fruits to fight it!

Oh Yeah! Tomorrow need to make my trip down to ITE Tampines to changed my course and school. Before that, need to contact the SAF to enquiry some Deferment stuff.

See ya!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yay! BTT Here I Come ~!


Okay, apparently i flung my BTT thats why i had to re-take it. By right, there was no more slots available even on 09/04/09 because i delayed it. Thankfully, i was able to find an available slot during this month! I booked my test on 27th March in the evening, i really gotta study hard if i want to pass it.

On the other note, I received the NYP Admission Letter today but it was a unsuccessful admission. This was like DAE & the other is JPAE, both were unable to get in too. I guess i've to take private Diploma after my NS, its going to be costly but i think i got no other choice.

Countdown to Army: 1 Month, 12 Days.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mummy!

Today's is Mum's Birthday!


I went to the gym at Hougang with Desmond & Jun Jie. Surprisingly, we saw some Bowenians and most of them were from our batch. We went there about 2.45pm and leave around 5.30pm. For once, i went to the gym for so long. The gym was crowded man,there was like 30 - 40 people inside. I was shocked when Jun Jie drinking those "Protein Formula" thingy, just like MITCHELL!

We celebrated her birthday by ordering Pizza from home. We chatted while we were eating the PIZZA! Wee! Nice-Nice! P-I-Z-Z-A-!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Get to know yourself better (QUIZ)

Oh yah! Today is the day when Andy goes into Police's Army for his NS. Hahas he still can call me after his reporting in time, and telling me some friends we know went in with him too. Hope he can get along well with them. (:

I've found this from Ray's tag board. Apparently Amanda tag him the link and didn't for me. =\

Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on educationEducation is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Livewire Baptism Day, 1st Group '09

Hello peeps!

Okay, So some of you know i held the castle picture during service. The funny part is when i watched "Casino Royale" there was a part showing a castle, my parents were saying like "Eh! Is this your great-great-great grandfather property left for me??? Cause it looked identical to the picture i held this morning. I was like LOL? my parents saying that? hahas.

After Service had lunch at KFC and went to East Coast, Car Park G to support 10 youth on their water baptism. They are Ray, Genevieve, Nicole, Yoges, Li Ping, Yong Hui, Gerald, Joy, Gabriel & Joshua. I'm glad that they took the step of faith to choose & believe Jesus more! Continue to grow!

Yesterday was superb shagged but before i slept, i prayed to God to ask if he can give me dreams of you, and apparently he did! We were able to have a good communications, you were like asking me "Eh u dyed your hair again? I was like happy & delighted just to hear every word coming out of your mouth.

Oh yah, Thursday will be taking my BTT. I'm afraid i might fail, so i gotta study hard to pass it.

Cya & Bye!