Thursday, October 8, 2009

Double Portion of Blessing!

Hello People!

It has been awhile since I've blogged. Hmmm...I'm not sure what I'm caught up with lately either. I'm starting school on the day of my birthday, and everyone knows it's kinda yuck. I don't know how to put it, but it seems that God has blessed me an advanced birthday present. I believe it's kind of like to balance or re-coup my happiness on my birthday.

1st Blessing:

Last week, was the release of my results. I scored A's for all Modules.
It's literally only through God's Grace & Blessing that I'm able to get such grades.
If some of you out there, might think I'm lucky/heng/tyco. I've nothing to say but it's God way for it to happen not mine. (:

Although I've done well for my first term, but I've to maintain my grades if i want to end well. It's not going to be easy, but guide me along each day.

2nd Blessing:

Today, I took my Final Theory Test (FTT) for driving and i passed. During the test, one after another click the 'End Test' button and their results were like 'PASSED'. Before i took my test, y dad even told me to lift up the test in prayer. I began to get worried too, as i clicked the button the word 'PASSED' came out. I was overjoyed (:

Yes, the feeling of passing was there, but just not as excited as the first time.

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